幼兒言語訓練小組 (2023/10-11)
CODA HK一直關注聾人家庭子女的言語發展, 因為幼兒愈早接受言語訓練對他們將來的語言發展有莫大的幫助, 愈早接受訓練除了協助KODA們打好言語基礎, 也令他們學會上課的基本規矩, 為入讀幼稚園或升小學作準備。CODA HK的言語治療小組由言語治療師執教並有2位助教協助課堂, 採用小班教學, 針對幼兒KODA需要進行言語訓練。
課堂上老師會教導日常生活的字詞及發音, 以互動遊戲方式引發幼兒學習語言動機, 同時亦會糾正幼兒的發音。我們很高興, 經過數次小組後, 很多KODA小朋友已有顯注進步, 而且因表達能力改善了, 情緒上亦有明顯改善, CODA HK很高興看到他們的轉變, 希望能幫助更多有需要的KODA。
CODA HK has always been concerned about the speech development of KODAs. We believe receiving speech training at their early stage helps KODAs lay a good foundation, they can also learn rules in the CODA HK’s classroom which is very useful for preparing ahead for their school life. The Speech Therapy at CODA HK is led by a recognized speech therapist with 2 teaching assistants to assist in the lesson. Small group teaching to make sure we can focus on KODAs’ training needs.
Teacher teaches daily vocabularies and sight words as well as the most common used sounds in daily life, stimulate KODA's motivation to learn how to speak through interactive games and correct their pronunciation when needed.
We are glad that after several sessions, KODAs have noticed significant improvement, and with their better expression, their emotion has also improved. CODA HK is very delighted to see their transformation and hope to help more KODAs in need.
課堂上老師會教導日常生活的字詞及發音, 以互動遊戲方式引發幼兒學習語言動機, 同時亦會糾正幼兒的發音。我們很高興, 經過數次小組後, 很多KODA小朋友已有顯注進步, 而且因表達能力改善了, 情緒上亦有明顯改善, CODA HK很高興看到他們的轉變, 希望能幫助更多有需要的KODA。
CODA HK has always been concerned about the speech development of KODAs. We believe receiving speech training at their early stage helps KODAs lay a good foundation, they can also learn rules in the CODA HK’s classroom which is very useful for preparing ahead for their school life. The Speech Therapy at CODA HK is led by a recognized speech therapist with 2 teaching assistants to assist in the lesson. Small group teaching to make sure we can focus on KODAs’ training needs.
Teacher teaches daily vocabularies and sight words as well as the most common used sounds in daily life, stimulate KODA's motivation to learn how to speak through interactive games and correct their pronunciation when needed.
We are glad that after several sessions, KODAs have noticed significant improvement, and with their better expression, their emotion has also improved. CODA HK is very delighted to see their transformation and hope to help more KODAs in need.