由香港家長教育學會主辦﹑香港賽馬會慈善信託基金捐助的「心繫家庭」第二階段家長教育計劃展開。10月份於CODA HK會址進行了2場親職講座及1次成長工作坊﹐講者及培訓導師為香港家庭教育學會專業顧問及委員。
Organized by the Hong Kong Parent Education Association (HKPEA) and supported by The Hong Kong Jockey Club Charities Trust, the second phase of the "Family Care" Parent Education Program was launched. In October, two seminars and one workshop were held at the CODA HK centre. The speaker is consultant and committee member of HKPEA.
The topic of these two seminars is about regaining parental thinking, hoping to educate deaf parents about the parent’s role in the family. The workshop enables deaf parents to better understand their children's needs and enhance their parent-child relationship.
Organized by the Hong Kong Parent Education Association (HKPEA) and supported by The Hong Kong Jockey Club Charities Trust, the second phase of the "Family Care" Parent Education Program was launched. In October, two seminars and one workshop were held at the CODA HK centre. The speaker is consultant and committee member of HKPEA.
The topic of these two seminars is about regaining parental thinking, hoping to educate deaf parents about the parent’s role in the family. The workshop enables deaf parents to better understand their children's needs and enhance their parent-child relationship.