香港聾人子女協會 (“CODA HK”) 一直致力推動手語普及化,亦積極參與翻譯工作,希望聾人社群能在更共融的社區環境下享有更優質的生活。除了聾人家庭日常的手語翻譯工作,CODA HK亦不時為政府新聞處的報導進行手語傳譯工作。
CODA HK has always been committed to promoting the popularization of sign language, we actively involved in sign language interpretation and we are hoping that the deaf can enjoy a better quality of life in a more inclusive community. In addition to daily sign language interpretation work for deaf families, CODA HK also provides sign language interpretation work for Information Services Department, HKSAR Region Government.
CODA HK has always been committed to promoting the popularization of sign language, we actively involved in sign language interpretation and we are hoping that the deaf can enjoy a better quality of life in a more inclusive community. In addition to daily sign language interpretation work for deaf families, CODA HK also provides sign language interpretation work for Information Services Department, HKSAR Region Government.