中秋節是家人團聚的節日, CODA HK舉辦了「親親中秋節」的親子活動, 邀請多個聾人家庭一起共慶中秋。小朋友與家長互相合作, 猜燈謎, 摺紙兔再一起製作燈籠。小朋友手舞足蹈, 用盡混身解數向父母翻譯燈題。摺紙兔的時候, 大小朋友都細心觀察, 一步步按著導師指導學習。在各個小活動中, 發現原來KODA都有很強的表達能力, 而且動靜佳宜, 亦很樂於與父母以手語及身體語言細細溝通。雖然大家平時生活忙碌, 各自要兼顧工作或學業實在不容易, 但只要花點點時間相處, 親子關係就可邁進一大步。這次「親親中秋節」的親子活動十分成功, 大家都樂在其中, CODA HK 祝大家中秋節快樂!
Mid-Autumn Festival is a family reunion festive. CODA HK organized this activity to celebrate together with CODA family. Parent and Koda collaborated for several activities like playing riddle game, origami and doing handcraft together. KODAs are very energetic, they spent all efforts to translate the riddle to parent. When doing handcraft, they were patient to follow the steps with instructor's guidance. We found they potentially have strong expression competence and they are adapted to various scense in the activity. KODAs are flexible and willing to use both sign and body language to communicate with their parents. Life is busy, but spending quality time is always a big step forward for family relation. We are happy the event was successful and everyone enjoyed it. Happy Mid-Autumn Festival !
Mid-Autumn Festival is a family reunion festive. CODA HK organized this activity to celebrate together with CODA family. Parent and Koda collaborated for several activities like playing riddle game, origami and doing handcraft together. KODAs are very energetic, they spent all efforts to translate the riddle to parent. When doing handcraft, they were patient to follow the steps with instructor's guidance. We found they potentially have strong expression competence and they are adapted to various scense in the activity. KODAs are flexible and willing to use both sign and body language to communicate with their parents. Life is busy, but spending quality time is always a big step forward for family relation. We are happy the event was successful and everyone enjoyed it. Happy Mid-Autumn Festival !