家長小組花絮 - 2023年10月份
10月份的家長小組 <<身心健康我有計>>活動已完畢。是次活動由小組導師家帶領長們一起製作多種小手作, 包括: 輕黏土畫, 摺紙, 土耳奇杯墊, 手語字母卡。當小朋友每周六在CODA HK另一邊廂進行言語治療或遊戲小組的時候, 家長們便可以放鬆心情, 跟導師及其他家長們一起做手工及交流。
你們看, 家長們多認真及專注去完成每一件小作品! :)
The Parents Workshop in Oct 2023 was successfully completed. The group tutors of CODA HK and parents worked together to make a variety of handcrafts, such as light clay painting, origami, turkish coaster, sign language flash cards. When their little KODAs were having the speech therapy or playgroup at the other side, parents can relax and enjoy the self-moment by sharing with other parents and making their own interesting mini handcrafts.
Let's check out! How concentrate the parents are! 😊
Let's check out! How concentrate the parents are! 😊