CODA Hong Kong 2024年春季手語證書課程已正式開課﹐獲一眾有志認識手語的有心人報名參加。CODA HK的手語證書課程共分為3階段﹐由淺入深並由聾人及CODA授教。手語的文化獨特﹑多變及有趣﹐所以我們鼓勵不論健聽還是聽障人士都可以一起參與體驗﹐完成課程後更可加入「手語義工小組」﹐為創造共融社會出一分力。
CODA HK's “2024 Q1 Sign Language Course” has officially started, we have received sign-ups from the public who are interested in learning sign language. Our sign language course is divided into three levels, from easy to advanced. Each class is taught by the deaf or CODA. The culture of sign is unique, diversify and interesting, we encourage everyone to participate. After completing the course, attendees are welcomed to join the “Sign Language Voluntary Group” to give support to the deaf and create a more inclusive society.
CODA HK's “2024 Q1 Sign Language Course” has officially started, we have received sign-ups from the public who are interested in learning sign language. Our sign language course is divided into three levels, from easy to advanced. Each class is taught by the deaf or CODA. The culture of sign is unique, diversify and interesting, we encourage everyone to participate. After completing the course, attendees are welcomed to join the “Sign Language Voluntary Group” to give support to the deaf and create a more inclusive society.