CODA HK 除了關注聾人家庭及CODA們的身心健康之外, 亦希望大家有強健的體魄。運動除了可以令我們更健康,同時亦有益身心。CODA HK於12月10日舉辦親子單車遊,邀請聾人父母和子女一起踏單車。當日天氣晴朗,10組聾人家庭, 一行29人由大埔出發經吐露港及科學園,沿途景色優美,大家都十分享受。我們非常鼓勵父母有空多抽時間和子女一起做運動,除了有益身心以外,更加可以促進親子關係,加強大家之間的默契和溝通。
CODA HK cares about mental health of our members, in addition, we also care their physical health. Exercises can help us be more healthy. CODA HK held the Family Cycling Day on Dec 10th, we invited 10 families and their kids which total 29 members to cycle together. The weather was sunny and nice, we set off from Tai Po and went through Science Park and Tolo Harbour. The scenery along the way was beautiful and everyone enjoyed it. We encourage parents to exercise more with kids in their spare time, it is good for both mental and physical health and most importantly to strengthen the Parent-Child bonding and communication.
CODA HK cares about mental health of our members, in addition, we also care their physical health. Exercises can help us be more healthy. CODA HK held the Family Cycling Day on Dec 10th, we invited 10 families and their kids which total 29 members to cycle together. The weather was sunny and nice, we set off from Tai Po and went through Science Park and Tolo Harbour. The scenery along the way was beautiful and everyone enjoyed it. We encourage parents to exercise more with kids in their spare time, it is good for both mental and physical health and most importantly to strengthen the Parent-Child bonding and communication.