香港聾人子女協會是一間成立於2013年的認可慈善機構。協會旨在協助聾人家庭的子女認知自己雙語、雙文化的獨特身份,讓他們學習成長、發展潛能,從而建立互助社群及積極的人生觀。「童聲童戲 : 聾人子女說話及語言發展計劃」會為聾人家庭及其子女提供語言評估、小組跟進、家長工作坊、及輔導服務等。
受惠人數:100位聾人子女、300位聾人父母及教師、90位同行者 CODA Hong Kong was established in 2013 and strives to support deaf families and their children by empowering them to face challenges in the hearing community through addressing their emotional, social and language development, as well as their identity and family issues. The project 'SHALL WE "TALK"?' will allow the children of deaf families to receive language assessments and follow up services, and provide parenting workshops and counselling service to the deaf families. No. of beneficiaries: 100 Children of Deaf Adults (CODAs), 300 deaf parents & teachers and 90 volunteers |