團隊成員 CODA Team
創會會長 Founder & President
陳佳儀 Cindy Chan 2013~ now 為聾人父母所生的健聽子女,成長於破碎家庭。由於聾人群體無論在教育、醫療、就業、婚姻及社交生活,都嚴重缺乏支援配套,再加上社會認知不足,令到聾人家庭面對種種困難。陳佳儀後來因著信仰的呼召,明白到自己的聾人子女身分,擁有獨特的意義和使命。於是2013年創辦屬於聾人子女的自助組織,目的透過聾人子女的自身經歷,關心及協助聾人家庭常見的遭遇。她擁有遠大抱負,凝聚聾人子女團結力量,以及各界有能力人士,為聾人父母及其子女提供適切支援。發揮雙文化之優勢(手語及口語、聾人及健聽文化),成為聾健溝通的橋樑。並由「家」開始,創造和諧共融,促進聾健親子關係,達致「聾健一家親」理念。 Born by Deaf parents, Hearing children and grew up from broken family. As the Deaf community suffers from a serious lack of support facilities in education, medical care, employment, marriage and social life, coupled with insufficient social awareness, Deaf families face various difficulties. Cindy Chan realized later that she has the identity of CODA with a unique meaning and mission because of her call of religion. Then, in 2013, a self-help organization for CODA was founded, the purpose is caring of and assisting for Deaf families' common situations, through CODAs' own experiences. She has the great ambitions, gathers the unity of CODAs, and capable people from all communities, to provide appropriate supports for Deaf parents and their children. Play the advantages of biculturalism (sign language and spoken language, Deaf and hearing culture), and become a bridge of communication between deaf and hearing. And start from "HOME", create harmony and communion, promote Deaf parent-child relationship, and achieve the concept of "Deaf-Hearing-family". |
執行委員 Committee
鄭詠恩 Cassia Cheng 2013~ now 聾人所生的子女,現任手語及翻譯部執委,同時為《香港手語翻譯員名單》合資格手語譯者,致力促進聾人父母與Coda的親子關係,提升社會對手語的認知及手語傳譯質素;聯繫各國Coda協會,推動亞洲Coda身份認同發展。主要負責籌辦手語義工小組,推廣手語,與不同機構、商界及政府緊密合作,提供手語傳譯服務及意見,提升聾人家庭的知情權;家庭輔導手語傳譯,促進家庭和諧,提升Koda和聾爸媽的親密關係。 曾參與手語工作有香港政府新聞處記者會手語傳譯直播、立法會會議手語直播、香港電台「早辰。早晨」時事資訊手語直播節目、第37及38屆香港電影金像獎手語直播、2017世界聾人奥林匹克運動會香港代表隊隨團手語翻譯等等。 此外,手語顧問工作有香港電台《沒有牆的世界5-順風》、《沒有牆的世界6-衝破》、《手語隨想曲5》、路德會啟聾學校手語開發小組、香港中文大學手語及聾人研究中心「手語詞彙變體工作小組」等等。 I am child who was born by Deaf and now as committee of Sign Language and Translation Department. At the same time, I am the sign language interpreter on “Hong Kong Sign Language Interpreter Names list” as qualified Sign Language interpreter. Commit to promote CODA-and-parenthood relationship and improve the knowledge of sign language in society as well as quality of sign language interpretation. Connect CODA associations in different countries to promote the development of Asian CODA identity. Mainly responsible for organizing sign language volunteers cell groups, promoting sign language, and working closely with different organizations, business communities and governments, to provide sign language interpretation services and suggestions. Improve the knowledge right of Deaf families; provide family counseling sign language interpretation, promote family harmony, and enhance the close relationship between KODA and Deaf parents.
Have provided the live sign language interpretation for, Information Services Department of Hong Kong Government, Legislative Council Secretariat, RTHK Current Affairs Live Sign Language Programme “This Morning”, 37th & 38th Hong Kong Film Awards Live Sign Language Interpretation, 2017 World Deaf Olympic Games Hong Kong Team Sign Language Interpretation, etc. In addition, as sign language adviser for RTHK programmes “ Wall-less World 5 – Downwind ”, “ Wall-less World 6 – Break Through ”, “ Sign Language Capriccio 5 ”, Lutheran School For The Deaf – Sign Language Development Team, Centre for Sign Linguistics and Deaf Studies, CUHK “ The Workshop of Sign Language Glossary Variation ”, etc. |
執行委員 Committee
林國福 Angel Lam 2020~ Now 大家好!我是林國福 Angel,我天生是一名聾人。自從幼稚園起,我早已學習同學們所使用的香港手語,因此現在我也慣用香港手語。我本身很喜歡畫畫、也擅長於電腦設計,閒時做聾人社區的義工。聾人父母組織家庭生健聽子女中,原來有很多人都不知道自己Coda 的身份 。 最近我加入CODA會成為執行委員。我十分欣賞 KODA兒童們的活潑聰明,他們可以輕鬆使用香港手語,就能同我溝通相處。我非常鼓勵香港聾人父母繼續帶CODA孩子們來參加不同的活動,讓他們了解自己 CODA 的身分。從我們交談協助中,我看到幼兒KODA及幼兒補習的需要,我曾用手語為他們補習。我希望他們未來能擔任聾人和健聽人之間的橋樑,為聾人社群造福。另外,有時我會與不同的長者會員用視像通話,協助他們翻譯,讓大家可以得到適切的方案。 我和Coda執委詠恩正在擴展手語義工小組,透過學習手語,香港手語文化交流來推廣手語。希望能夠凝聚更多Coda能夠成為KODA的榜樣,尋找更多資源幫助KODA的學習發展, 一同成長 。 Hello everyone! I am Angel Lam Kwok Fook and was born to be Deaf. Since kindergarten I have already learned the sign language which my classmates were used Hong Kong sign language. So now I am using Hong Kong sign language as usual.
Recently I joined CODA Hong Kong as Board Committee. I am really appreciated with KODA (Kids Of Deaf Adult) liveliness and cleverness. They can use Hong Kong sign language easily and communicate with me. I sincerely encourage Hong Kong Deaf parents keep bring KODA come and join our different activities which let them to know their CODA identity. From our communication and assistant, I can see the needs of KODA and the needs of kid’s supplementary lesson. I have conducted the supplementary class for them with sign language. I hope they can serve as a bridge between the Deaf and hearing people in the future, and benefit to Deaf community. In addition, I sometimes use video calls with different senior members to help them translate and let them to get an appropriate plan. I am working with another CODA committee member Wing Yan to promote and expand the group of Sign Language volunteers through learning sign language and promote Hong Kong sign language culture exchange. Hope should gather more CODAs become the model for KODAs, looking for more resource to help KODA learning development and grow up together. |
手語導師及翻譯員- Sign Language Teacher & Sign Translator
蘇劍雲 Billymarken 2013~ now 作為聾人子女,從小接觸手語,原來手語分為家庭手語,與正規手語不同。到中五畢業時,開始認真學習修讀香港手語。不經不覺,我教授手語已經超過十年多了,而手語翻譯更超過十五年,期間經歷過很多風風雨雨,例如爭取地鐵半價、真鐸事件、爭取手語成為官方語言等等,這些都是美好的回憶。現在我於CODAHK工作,負責手語翻譯、教授手語證書課程、協助推廣手語,同時宣揚聾健一家親。 As CODA, when I was exposed to sign language since I was a child. Sign language was originally divided into family sign language, which is different from formal sign language. When I graduated from Form Five, I began to study Hong Kong Sign Language seriously. Unconsciously, I have taught sign language for more than ten years, and as sign language interpreter has been more than fifteen years. I have experienced many ups and downs during the period, such as fighting for half-price of subways, Chun Tok School incident, and strive for sign language becoming the official language, etc. These were all good memories. Now I am working at CODAHK, responsible for sign language interpretation, teaching sign language certificate courses, helping to promote sign language, and publicizing Deaf-Hearing-one-family at the same time. |
專業顧問 Professional Adviser
家庭教育:陳美紅博士 Dr Red Chan
兒童發展:曾國雄先生 Clarence Tsang
法律顧問:陳浩庭律師 Solicitor Mac Chan
心理輔導:唐國偉博士 Dr Tong Sir
余漢傑博士 Dr Yu Hon Kit Titus
李健虎先生 Keith Lie
姚勤敏先生 Chris Yiu
鄺志雄牧師 (Deaf)
Mr Carl J. Kirchner ( CODA)
榮譽顧問 Honor Adviser
秘書及司庫:方天沛 Tin Fong (會計師)
家庭教育:陳美紅博士 Dr Red Chan
兒童發展:曾國雄先生 Clarence Tsang
法律顧問:陳浩庭律師 Solicitor Mac Chan
心理輔導:唐國偉博士 Dr Tong Sir
余漢傑博士 Dr Yu Hon Kit Titus
李健虎先生 Keith Lie
姚勤敏先生 Chris Yiu
鄺志雄牧師 (Deaf)
Mr Carl J. Kirchner ( CODA)
榮譽顧問 Honor Adviser
秘書及司庫:方天沛 Tin Fong (會計師)